It was Penn State's spring break, so
a friend of mine, Sarah, came to Italy for Sprin
g break. She travelled all around and got to Rome on Tuesday. Natalie and I decided to take her on a pub crawl which was tons of fun.... but my camera got stolen from me. : ( That was the big bummer of the week....
My friend Kristin (who is studying in Florence) 's family travelled to Rome for the weekend so she decided to come back to Rome for the second weekend in a row! Which I was very excited about! Her parents took Natalie and I, with Kristin and her brother and cousin, out to eat at a very nice restaurant with great food and the most delicious cookies! That night we took Kristin and her brother and cousin to a club... We wanted to keep it an early night, but actually ended staying out til 3 am!
On Friday, I had another field study for another class and went to to the Holy stairs. It's a place that you are only allowed to climb the stairs on your knees. I didn't get to do it, but my friend Ross and I decided that we would go back one day and try it. After that, a bunch of my friends from my program travelled to Florence for the weekend. Natalie and I stayed out Kristin and Alli's apartment in Florence. It was huge with really high ceilings and you had to walk up like 8 flights of stairs, since they were on the top floor. Needless to say, I got a good workout that weekend! On Friday night, Natalie and I and a couple of our guy friends decided to go to a restaurant called Acqua al 2, which supposedly had one of the best steaks in Florence. It was a filet mignon with a blueberry sauce on it and it was delicious!!! It was the first time I've had steak since being in Italy and it was one of the best, if not the best steak I have ever eaten. Afterwards, we met up with Alli again and she introduced us to all of her friends and we went out to a club called 21. While in 21, I ran into a girl I used to dance with when I was wayy younger. It was the first time that I have seen someone from home and I was so excited. Our parents are really good friends so we took a picture and plan to send it to them.

On Saturday, Natalie and I got up and met a couple of our guy friends at an american diner for breakfast. We got omlets and bagels (which they do not have in Rome) and freshly squeezed orange juice. After that we went to the Duomo and climbed to the very top which was over 400 stairs. It was a beautiful church and it had an amazing view at the top. Once done at the Duoma we decided to go the the museum where the Statue of David is. It was pretty cool to actually see the statue in person and I managed to take a picture without getting in trouble. It was on a disposable camera though, so hopefully it turns out. Then we went to the famous bridge in Florence called Ponte Vecchio. We walked across the bridge and got lunch on the other side at a cute little Italian place. Again amazing food... I got a panini with turkey, goat cheese, lettuce and sundried tomatoes. It was great! Then we decided to go to the market and look for jackets... I ended up being a leather jacket, which I am in love with and wear constantly now. Later that night, Alli's parents were in Florence, so her mom made us an amazing dinner at Alli's apartment. After that we met up with the rest of our friends who were in Florence for the weekend and went to a club called Space.

On Sunday, we went back to the market and looked around for a while and decided to head back to Rome around 1:30. It was nice because we were able to come back and catch up on some work and relax before class on Monday! Overall, a great weekend with great food and great sights, and great friends!
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