My friends Meghan, Kelly, Brittany went to Amalfi Coast together. It was absolutely beautiful!!
Thursday, April 30th
I had an Italian quiz that day so I was ready for a fun weekend. The trip was organized by a program called Euroadventures and it had kids from Florence and Rome on it. The bus was supposed to be in Rome at 1o pm that night, but they ended up getting caught in a lot of traffic in Florence, so they didnt end up getting to Rome until around 11 pm. To kill time we went to McDonalds and ordered food. So once the bus arrives, no one moves to make room for the rest of us. There were people that had 2 seats just for one person and once the bus driver yelled people finally started to move, but my friend Brittany and I got stuck in the very back left corner of the bus. We get to our hostel, Villagio Verde, in Sorrento around 2:30 am. Villagio Verde was really cool because it was covered in ivy and vines and was all around green. We stayed in bungalow/cabin type of houses and they were absolutely freezing. I didnt pack for cold weather so I ended up having to borrow my friends sweaters and I also had to steal a blanket off a bad that wasnt being used to stay warm.
Friday, May 1st
May 1st is Italy's Labor Day so we had a day off of school! But we woke up around 10 am and walked to a piazza to meet up with everyone participating in Euroadventures. We take a ferry to the island of Capri. The ferry was really pretty, but very bumpy. Once we got to Capri, we went on a 25 minute hike up to the main part of Capri. We ate lunch at a pizza place over looking the Mediterranean Sea. We got lost on our way back down to the sea, but we managed to find our way back down somehow. We bought wine and caprese sandwiches, which consist of tomatoes and mozzarella cheese for our booze cruise around the island of Capri. The weather was beautiful and the cruise was really fun except that a girl kept getting sick off the side of the boat. The blue grotto, which is one of the 7 wonders of the world, was closed due to rain, so we couldnt go in but we got close enough to see inside and it looked really amazing. The weather was pretty and they gave us the opportunity to go swimming so I decided to jump in the water. It was so cold that I couldnt breathe. After the cruise, we bought gelato and headed back to Sorrento. We almost missed the ferry though because they told us the wrong dock to catch it on. We get back to our hostel and nap and that night we went to a karaoke/dance club and sang and danced til 2 in the morning.
Saturday, May 2nd
We got up at 10, got ready, and got breakfast/lunch at little diner close to the bus station. We wait for the bus to Positano and the bus finally comes, but the only room left is standing room so we decide to jump on and stand. The bus ride from Sorrento to Positano was honestly the scariest bus ride of my life. To get to Positano, you drive on the coast on very skinny roads the big buses shouldnt be allowed to drive on. Every time the bus driver made a turn, it looked like you were going to fall of the cliff into the sea. We get to Positano and to get to the beach you have to walk down through the city and through all the building stacked on top of each other. The beach was a black sand beach and it was a beautiful and really hot day. Trisha, one of my best friends from home who is studying in Florence was in Amalfi Coast for the weekend too so I met up with her and hung out with her on the beach. We wanted to catch the 5 o'clock bus back to Sorrento so we left the beach early and got the biggest sandwich of my life. It was the size of my head. We walk back up through the city and wait for the bus. It ended up being 2 hours late and everyone was mad and was pushing to get on the bus. I get separated from my friends and they get on the back of the bus but almost didnt fit and got the door slammed on them 3 times before people started to move. I was in the very front of the bus standing basically flat against the windshield. At one point of the ride back, the bus driver did the sign of the cross so I was freaking out. We finally got back to Villagio Verde and we decided that we wanted to hang out on our porch and sit outside for the night instead of going to a club.
Sunday, May 3rd
We got up and checked out of the hostel and had breakfast at an outdoor diner. We had chocolate filled croissants and donuts that were really good! After that we went to the train station and headed to Pompeii. Right when we get to Pompeii, it starts to rain. We walked through the Pompeii ruins. It was amazing to see how everything is still so well preserved even though it was covered in lava at one point. We even saw a person who was basically fried alive by the lava of Mount Vesuveus. After we walked through the ruins, we went to lunch at a little italian restaurant. We decided that not many tourists go to the place because we all got eyed up and down. After lunch we realize that the train station we thought would get us back to Sorrento actually didnt have trains running through it. We got lost, but eventually found our way back to the main train station after walking for 45 minutes. We get back Sorrento and get on the bus and head back to Rome. I got back to my apartment around 10 pm and was exhausted so I went to bed!
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